santa rampage 2000


each year at christmastime a crowd of santas descends upon one of san francisco's most-touristed neighborhoods to get drunk, to hand out disturbing gifts, and to frighten tourists.

on december 16, 2000 a santa faction drove to a ranch in petaluma, spent the afternoon discharging firearms, then joined the rest of the santas for the evening's festivities in san francisco. about 150 santas took over grant street in chinatown, and they eventually headed up into north beach.

next year i'll dress as either the easter bunny or jesus.

for more photos see dav's coverage. (he's too shy to admit it, but dav gets this plastered nearly every night.)

UPDATE: i did dress as the easter bunny. the TERRORIST easter bunny. see the 2002 santa rampage coverage here.

UPDATE: 2003 sf santacon coverage here.

create santarchy in your town: more info.

contact: [email protected].

P1010009-drivingup P1010010-sushi P1010012-grantstreet P1010014-grant2 P1010015-lipobar
driving there chinatown sushi grant street. grant street 2

at the li po bar

P1010016-lipo-bar-2 P1010024-lipo-bar-3 P1010026-smokin-santa P1010028-alley P1010030-dav-posin
li po bar 2 li po bar 3 santa smokes alley

dav posing

P1010033-playground P1010039-porn-store P1010041-fire-engines P1010046-into-vesuvio P1010051-specs
at a playground at a porno shop a fire engine into vesuvio in specs

P1010052-specs-pissoir P1010054-drunks P1010061-specs-mingling P1010065-dav-outtahand P1010068-dav-scaring-tourists
specs pisser ??? mingling
at specs
dav outta hand

asian tourists

P1010072-scaring-tourists2 P1010074-scaring-tourists3 P1010075-whatthe P1010080-really-scaring-tourists P1010083-fugoff-yuppies
still scaring them scaring a european ???

scaring tourists

scaring americans